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Enabling limited abilities and marginalised parents engaged in Social Services and Family Court proceedings

Services for LDs, emotional and behaviour problem children
wishing to live at home with their true family, siblings, and grandparents

  Logos and images subject to owner ©2024
Parenting Together Scotland

Charity reg: 1149523 is only for limited abilities parents with children involved in Family Court and social care proceedings
It helps language and learning difficulties parents to prepare for Court hearings, sort their most significant evidence, write clear testimonies and Court Appeals

Marginalised, socially disadvantaged and low-income families are supported by our non-profit organisation reg. 06796387
Subscriptions are donations, both on the same page

Wishingwell Scotland begins Monday June 24th

Wishingwell Project

Parenting Course for disadvantaged parents and siblings to manage post traumatic behaviour and emotional problems from within their own family

Parenting course for parents, professionals, youth and community workers

The “perpetual cycle of abuse” begins with fatherless children having no direction or inspiration to seek a stable lifetime relationship bonded in love
The happiness and joy of life begins with understanding community and parental responsibilities, mutual respect, and personal accountability. We aim to inspire young people by engaging them with positive attitudes; to raise their ambitions and dreams to be respected as kind, loving, devoted partners and loyal friends


         ID number: FR.ID-127023   Award winning Legal Services provider           



Professional reports and assessments

Please note that a monthly subscription is expected


Returning children to their natural family

Low-income ≠ high-risk

Where children live determines their vulnerability


Wishingwell project

We learned our craft living, studying, and working among the savage and brutal 'grooming gangs' of Bradford. Our award-winning strategy involved youth and community workers, Legal professionals and parents


         ID number: FR.ID-127023   Award winning Legal Services provider        




Parenting Together Charity reg: 1149523 is also a Social Enterprise, Not for Profit Organisation(NPO), UK reg: 06796387

We value our independence and integrity, allowing us to work without any Conflict of Interest. We are financed only by corporate, public donations and charitable Trusts We do not receive any financial support from Local Authorities, the Government or our recommended Solicitors

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